
亿宝彩票app官网 that match your needs

在国际空间站,我们有超过100年的经验,帮助人们和地方充分发挥他们的潜力. 我们的员工不只是提供亿宝彩票app官网——他们是许多世界顶级公司背后的推动力, 加倍努力,以人性化的方式提供难忘的亿宝彩票app官网时刻.


Making life easier, more productive and enjoyable

我们的员工专注于创造美好的环境,让您专注于您的核心业务. Bringing together experts from across the service industry, 我们提供一系列定制亿宝彩票app官网,帮助您授权员工,最大限度地利用您的工作场所.


Reopen and future-proof your people and places

When it’s time to reopen your places, we can help you ensure safety, reinstate confidence and rethink the future. 从确保你的地方安全卫生到促进合作, innovation and community, 我们的解决方案支持您创建未来的工作场所.

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Industry-leading partnerships

聪明的, 综合设施亿宝彩票app官网可以帮助您的组织提高盈利能力, 提高效率,获得竞争优势,同时让您专注于核心业务. We adapt to your needs and ongoing transformation. 无论在哪个行业,无论在哪个地方,我们都会帮助您取得成功.




一个更有效率的工作环境如何促进员工健康的生活方式, while lowering absenteeism? And how could that help reduce healthcare costs? 以下是我们的食品亿宝彩票app官网如何为健康和福祉带来切实的成果.


Your partner in making places that work, think and give

我们认为帮助客户实现他们的目标是我们的工作. Whether it’s hospitals healing patients, businesses boosting productivity, or airports transferring passengers, we’re there to help.

客户 & employee satisfaction

Our services can help create great customer experiences, 增强您的声誉,使您在吸引和留住人才方面具有竞争优势.

Cost-efficient quality

We balance quality with cost efficiency, 整合亿宝彩票app官网,帮助您最大限度地降低固定成本,同时提升您的工作体验.

Total transparency

我们对您的亿宝彩票app官网负全责,并为您提供运营方面的深刻见解. 这意味着更高的可靠性、问责性和快速行动的灵活性.

Next-level productivity

Together with you, we work as ‘one team’ to simplify processes, 消除业务障碍,最终提高工作场所的生产力.


我们将让您了解最新的当地和全球法规,从而消除合规方面的麻烦, as well as health & safety requirements.

Your needs, our service

We understand that no two organisations are the same. 这就是为什么我们提供一系列不同的亿宝彩票app官网模式来满足您的需求并匹配您的预算.


  • Best-in-class experiences in a single area, delivered by top experts in food, technical or any of our other services.  
  • For customers who want services in a single area, whether for simple or highly specialised needs, from laboratory cleaning to corporate fine dining.  


  • 我们一流的设施管理人才为您的工作场所或设施提供多种亿宝彩票app官网, know-how and systems.  
  • 对于那些希望从外包一些非核心亿宝彩票app官网中受益的客户,而不是所有的非核心亿宝彩票app官网.

Integrated facility services

  • 您的所有工作场所或设施都需要集成到一个解决方案中, giving you the full benefit of 国际空间站’s cross-functional teams, dedicated key account management and workplace data insights.  
  • 对于那些想要专注于他们的核心目标,同时为他们的员工和访客提供全面的世界级亿宝彩票app官网的客户. 


您是对我们的亿宝彩票app官网感兴趣还是有其他问题? We are here to help.

Stories about people, places and planet